Harlequin Strain


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Harlequin Strain Information

In the event that you’re searching for a sativa with high CBD content, Harlequin is an unquestionable requirement attempt! Harlequin is a sativa-predominant mixture. It is the chill offspring of guardians Colombian Gold, Thai and Swiss landrace sativa strains and a Nepali indica. The strain imparts its name to the splendidly designed outfits of conventional Italian jokesters. That is on the grounds that its hereditary qualities is its own sort of one of a kind example!

Harlequin is cherished for invigorating and inspiring impacts. The high CBD focus adjusts everything out impeccably. This strain is ideal for giving a happy encounter without a weighty stoner high.

Appearance, Flavor, and Effects

Harlequin has medium-sized buds. They are tight and thickly pressed. The leaves are medium green with pistils that reach in shading from orange to a distinctive red. Harlequin buds are commonly canvassed in tacky white trichomes.

Harlequin has a wonderful smell that will occupy the room! It doesn’t have an especially solid fragrance, however its natural aroma is superb and lovely. When restored appropriately, the buds radiate a musky smell with basic hints of tropical organic product.

When consumed, Harlequin smoke has a solid natural flavor. Its excellent velvety, woody taste will stimulate your faculties! Clients can likewise anticipate only a smidgen of zest and kinds of mango and citrus when breathed in.

Harlequin has a high CBD content and moderately low THC levels. Along these lines, it will not really get you very high. In any case, it’s not without its charms! The CBD balances the psychoactive components of THC. Since it’s sativa-prevailing, it will cause you to feel magnificently blissful and inspired!

Harlequin is an astounding decision assuming you’re searching for a decent mental delivery without feeling tired. This strain is unwinding and helps control worried, feelings of apprehension. It likewise assists you with keeping on track! Clients love Harlequin since they can stay 100 percent useful. This quality settles on it an amazing decision for a wake and prepare to feel useful and imaginative.

Since it has such significant degrees of CBD, Harlequin is a staple strain in the clinical pot world. It is super-compelling for help with discomfort and battling aggravation. Accordingly, it’s incredible for treating cerebral pains, headaches, muscle fits, and nerve and joint torment. With its temperament upgrading properties, Harlequin is additionally brilliant for treating tension and wretchedness. It can likewise assist with sickness.

Harlequin Medical Benefits

Torment, Headache, Migraine, Inflammation, Depression, Anxiety, Nausea

Additional information


1/2 oz, 1 oz, 1/4 pound, 1/2 pound, 1 pound


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